McMinn’s and Abrahams’ Clinical Atlas of Human Anatomy

The Clinical Atlas of Human Anatomy, 8th Edition, by Abrahams and McMinn, provides the clear visual guidance you need to perform confidently in all examinations and understand spatial relationships required during your medical training, while also gaining the practical anatomical knowledge you’ll need in your future clinical career. Prof. Peter Abrahams and his team of prominent worldwide anatomists and radiologists have linked a massive collection of clinical photos to help you learn all the crucial linkages between anatomy’s basic science and clinical practise.

With an unrivalled collection of tagged dissection images, clear, explanatory diagrams, and contemporary imaging, you’ll know what to search for and how to continue.

With a plethora of MR, CT, DSA, radiographic, endoscopic, and surgical pictures that highlight how structures are perceived today in the clinical world, you can connect anatomy to clinical practise.

Includes access to the whole, improved eBook, which unlocks a massive, hand-picked collection of BONUS CLINICAL material, which is incorporated throughout practically every page to enrich your study and help you establish those crucial clinical / anatomical links.

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